Keeping Seniors Busy During the Winter Months

Its hard to get through month after month of cold weather. Especially as the body ages, it becomes even more important to keep the body and mind active and sharp.

Here are some of the top choices for seniors to keep the energy going all through the winter:

  • Indoor exercise. A daily routine of yoga, dancing, or stretches. These can be done in the comfort of your home, at the same time every day, with or without an instructor or video. Exercise leads to increased happiness, higher energy levels, lower blood pressure, a healthy weight, and reduced anxiety!
  • Daily walking. Nothing beats a short, daily walk down the block. Walking doesn’t require anything other than a safe, clear walking path, and a good, sturdy pair of shoes or boots. Be sure to dress warm and keep the walk short enough that you don’t overly perspire.
  • Reading. Reading is a fantastic way to keep the brain engaged, improve memory, and to create a topic for discussion among friends and family. Nothing quite beats immersing yourself in a great read with a cup of tea and a cozy blanket!

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